# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2019 Sensirion AG, Switzerland
# from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import time
import os
import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class LinuxI2cTransceiver(object):
Transceiver for the Linux I²C kernel driver, for example to use the I²C
pins of a Raspberry Pi.
.. note:: This class can be used in a "with"-statement, and it's
recommended to do so as it automatically closes the device file
after using it.
API_VERSION = 1 #: API version (accessed by I2cConnection)
# Status codes
STATUS_OK = 0 #: Status code for "transceive operation succeeded".
STATUS_CHANNEL_DISABLED = 1 #: Status code for "channel disabled error".
STATUS_NACK = 2 #: Status code for "not acknowledged error".
STATUS_TIMEOUT = 3 #: Status code for "timeout error".
STATUS_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR = 4 #: Status code for "unspecified error".
[docs] def __init__(self, device_file, do_open=True):
Create a transceiver for a given I²C device file and (optionally) open
it for read/write access.
:param str device_file:
Path to the I²C device file, for example "/dev/i2c-1".
:param bool do_open:
Whether the file should be opened immediately or not. If ``False``,
you will have to call
manually before using the transceiver. Defaults to ``True``.
super(LinuxI2cTransceiver, self).__init__()
self._device_file = device_file
self._file_descriptor = None
if do_open:
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
[docs] def open(self):
Open the I²C port (only needs to be called if ``do_open`` in
was set to ``False``.
self._file_descriptor = os.open(self._device_file, os.O_RDWR)
[docs] def close(self):
Close (release) the device file.
self._file_descriptor = None
def description(self):
Description of the transceiver.
For details (e.g. return value documentation), please refer to
return str(self._device_file)
def channel_count(self):
Channel count of this transceiver.
For details (e.g. return value documentation), please refer to
return None # single channel transceiver
[docs] def transceive(self, slave_address, tx_data, rx_length, read_delay,
Transceive an I²C frame in single-channel mode.
For details (e.g. parameter documentation), please refer to
.. note:: The ``timeout`` parameter is not supported (i.e. ignored)
since we can't specify the clock stretching timeout. It
depends on the underlying hardware whether clock stretching
is supported at all or not, and what timeout value is used.
assert type(slave_address) is int
assert (tx_data is None) or (type(tx_data) is bytes)
assert (rx_length is None) or (type(rx_length) is int)
assert type(read_delay) in [float, int]
assert type(timeout) in [float, int]
# Delayed import to avoid errors when importing this module on Windows
from fcntl import ioctl
status = self.STATUS_OK
error = None
rx_data = b""
# Set address
# See https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/i2c/dev-interface.html
ioctl(self._file_descriptor, 0x0703, slave_address)
# I2C Write
if tx_data is not None:
os.write(self._file_descriptor, tx_data)
except OSError as e:
error = e
# Since we use separate commands for write and read, we have to
# implement the read delay in software
if read_delay > 0:
# I2C Read
if (rx_length is not None) and (status == self.STATUS_OK):
rx_data = os.read(self._file_descriptor, rx_length)
except OSError as e:
error = e
return status, error, rx_data