

This package provides only very few implementations for actual I²C transceivers, i.e. the low level code which controls the I²C hardware:

  • LinuxI2cTransceiver to use an I²C device file provided by the Linux Kernel (e.g. “/dev/i2c-1”). This transceiver allows to use for example the I²C pins of a Raspberry Pi.

  • CircuitPythonI2cTransceiver to use an I²C bus provided by adafruit_bus_device (e.g. board.I2C()). This transceiver allows to use for example the I²C pins of an ESP32.

  • I2cTransceiver An alias to Linux/CircuitPython I2cTransceiver, based on if embedded device.

Other implementations are provided in separate Python packages (for architecture reasons). But to avoid having dependencies from those Packages to this one just to implement the transceiver interface, we define a backward compatible API which can be implemented using duck typing, i.e. without actually inheriting from the common interface. This way we can avoid having many, often even unnecessary dependencies.

Transceiver API

Each transceiver object must provide the constant API_VERSION to indicate what API version it implements. Every other API requirement is documented in the corresponding transceiver interface, for example I2cTransceiverV1 for API version 1.

Currently supported API versions:

  • v1: I2cTransceiverV1

This package (in particular the class I2cConnection) supports all API versions at the same time, so you don’t have to worry about the compatibility between different package versions.