Source code for circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.device

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# (c) Copyright 2022 Sensirion AG, Switzerland

from circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_driver import I2cDevice
from .commands import \
    Sen5xI2cCmdDeviceReset, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetFanAutoCleaningInterval, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetNoxAlgorithmTuningParameters, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetProductName, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetRhtAccelerationMode, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetSerialNumber, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetTemperatureOffsetParameters, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetVersion, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetVocAlgorithmState, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetVocAlgorithmTuningParameters, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdGetWarmStartParameter, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdReadAndClearDeviceStatus, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdReadDataReady, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdReadDeviceStatus, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdReadMeasuredValues, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdSetFanAutoCleaningInterval, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdSetNoxAlgorithmTuningParameters, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdSetRhtAccelerationMode, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdSetTemperatureOffsetParameters, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdSetVocAlgorithmState, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdSetVocAlgorithmTuningParameters, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdSetWarmStartParameter, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdStartFanCleaning, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdStartMeasurement, \
    Sen5xI2cCmdStartMeasurementWithoutPm, \

import sys
if == "circuitpython":
    import adafruit_logging as logging
    import logging

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Sen5xI2cDevice(I2cDevice): """ SEN5x I²C device. This is a low-level driver which just provides all I²C commands as Python methods. Typically, calling a method sends one I²C request to the device and interprets its response (if any). There is no caching functionality in this driver. For example if you call :func:`get_serial_number` 100 times, it will send the command 100 times over the I²C interface to the device. This makes the driver completely stateless. """
[docs] def __init__(self, connection, slave_address=0x69): """ Constructs a new SEN5x I²C device. :param ~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_driver.connection.I2cConnection connection: The I²C connection to use for communication. :param byte slave_address: The I²C slave address, defaults to 0x69. """ super(Sen5xI2cDevice, self).__init__(connection, slave_address)
[docs] def get_product_name(self): """ Get the product name of the device. :return: The product name as an ASCII string. :rtype: string """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetProductName())
[docs] def get_serial_number(self): """ Get the serial number of the device. :return: The serial number as an ASCII string. :rtype: string """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetSerialNumber())
[docs] def get_version(self): """ Get the version of the device firmware, hardware and communication protocol. :return: The device version. :rtype: ~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.response_types.Sen5xVersion """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetVersion())
[docs] def read_device_status(self, clear=False): """ Read and optionally clear the device status. :param bool clear: If ``True``, the status flags on the device get cleared after reading them. Defaults to ``False``. :return: The device status as an object containing all status flags. :rtype: ~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.response_types.Sen5xDeviceStatus """ return self.execute( Sen5xI2cCmdReadAndClearDeviceStatus() if clear else Sen5xI2cCmdReadDeviceStatus())
[docs] def device_reset(self): """ Execute a device reset (reboot firmware, similar to power cycle). """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdDeviceReset())
[docs] def start_measurement(self): """ Starts a continuous measurement. .. note:: After starting the measurement, it takes some time (~1s) until the first measurement results are available. You could poll with the method :py:meth:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.device.Sen5xI2cDevice.read_data_ready()` to check when the results are ready to read. .. note:: If the device is in measure mode without particulate matter (low-power) and the firmware version is at least 2.0, this command enables PM measurement without affecting the already running RH/T/VOC/NOx measurements (except that the "data ready"-flag will be cleared). In previous firmware versions, this command is supported only in idle mode. """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdStartMeasurement())
[docs] def start_measurement_without_pm(self): """ Start a continuous measurement without particulate matter (low-power). Only RH/T/VOC/NOx are measured in this mode, particulate matter is disabled to reduce power consumption. .. note:: After starting the measurement, it takes some time (~1s) until the first measurement results are available. You could poll with the method :py:meth:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.device.Sen5xI2cDevice.read_data_ready()` to check when the results are ready to read. .. note:: If the device is in measure mode with particulate matter (normal measure mode) and the firmware version is at least 2.0, this command disables PM measurement without affecting the already running RH/T/VOC/NOx measurements (except that the "data ready"-flag will be cleared). In previous firmware versions, this command is supported only in idle mode. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdStartMeasurementWithoutPm())
[docs] def stop_measurement(self): """ Stop the running measurement. Leaves the measure mode and returns to the idle mode. If the device is already in idle mode, this command has no effect. """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdStopMeasurement())
[docs] def read_data_ready(self): """ Read the data ready flag. This command can be used to check if new measurement results are ready to read. The data ready flag is automatically reset after reading the measured values with :py:meth:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.device.Sen5xI2cDevice.read_measured_values()`. .. note:: During fan (auto-)cleaning, no measurement data is available for several seconds and thus this flag will not be set until cleaning has finished. So please expect gaps of several seconds at any time if fan auto-cleaning is enabled. :return: ``True`` if new data is ready, ``False`` if not. When no measurement is running, ``False`` will be returned. :rtype: bool """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdReadDataReady())
[docs] def read_measured_values(self): """ Read the measured mass concentration, RH/T and VOC/NOx values. .. note:: The method :py:meth:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.device.Sen5xI2cDevice.read_data_ready()` can be used to check if new data is available since the last read operation. If no new data is available, the previous values will be returned again. If no data is available at all (no measurement running or immediately after starting the measurement), the returned object will not contain any measurement results (property ``available`` of all values is ``False``). .. attention:: The returned object always contains all measurement signals, but it depends on the measure mode and the product which signal values are actually available. See :py:class:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.measured_values.Sen5xMeasuredValues` for details how it handles values which are not available. In particular, mass concentration values are not available in the low-power measure mode, RH/T/VOC are not available with SEN50 and NOx is not available with SEN50 and SEN54. In idle mode, no signal values will be available at all. :return: The latest measurement results. :rtype: :py:class:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.measured_values.Sen5xMeasuredValues` """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdReadMeasuredValues())
[docs] def get_temperature_offset_parameters(self, raw=False): """ Get the temperature offset parameters of the device. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :param bool raw: If ``False`` (the default), physical/normalized values (offset in °C, slope with scale factor 1, time constant in seconds) are returned. Otherwise the raw received integer values of offset (scaled with factor 200) and slope (scaled with factor 10000) are returned. :return: Tuple with offset (°C or ticks), slope (scale factor 1 or 10000) and time constant [s]. :rtype: float/int, float/int, int """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetTemperatureOffsetParameters(raw))
[docs] def set_temperature_offset_parameters(self, offset, slope, time_constant_s, raw=False): """ Set the temperature offset parameters of the device. This command allows to compensate temperature effects of the design-in at customer side by applying a custom temperature offset to the ambient temperature. The compensated ambient temperature is calculated as follows: :: T_Ambient_Compensated = T_Ambient + offset + (slope * T_Ambient) Where ``slope`` and ``offset`` are the values set with this command, smoothed with the specified time constant. All temperatures (``T_Ambient_Compensated``, ``T_Ambient`` and ``offset``) in this formula are represented in °C. .. note:: This configuration is volatile, i.e. it will be reverted to the default value after a device reset. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :param float/int offset: Constant temperature offset (°C or ticks). The default value is 0. :param float/int slope: Normalized temperature offset slope (scale factor 1 or 10000). The default value is 0. :param int time_constant: Time constant [s] how fast the new slope and offset will be applied. After the specified value in seconds, 63% of the new slope and offset are applied. A time constant of zero means the new values will be applied immediately (within the next measure interval of 1 second). :param bool raw: If ``False`` (the default), physical/normalized values are expected (offset in °C, slope with scale factor 1, time constant in seconds). Otherwise, raw integer values are expected for offset (scaled with factor 200) and slope (scaled with factor 10000). """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdSetTemperatureOffsetParameters( offset, slope, time_constant_s, raw))
[docs] def get_warm_start_parameter(self, raw=False): """ Get the warm start parameter of the device. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :param bool raw: If ``False`` (the default), a normalized value in the range from 0.0 (cold start) to 1.0 (warm start) is returned. Otherwise the raw received integer value is returned (0..65535). :return: Warm start parameter value (0..1 or 0..65535). :rtype: float/int """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetWarmStartParameter(raw))
[docs] def set_warm_start_parameter(self, warm_start, raw=False): """ Set the warm start parameter of the device. The temperature compensation algorithm is optimized for a cold start by default, i.e. it is assumed that the "Start Measurement" command is called on a device not already warmed up by previous measurements. If the measurement is started on a device already warmed up, this parameter can be used to improve the accuracy of the ambient temperature output. .. note:: This parameter can be changed in any state of the device (and the getter immediately returns the new value), but it is applied only the next time starting a measurement, i.e. when sending a "Start Measurement" command! So the parameter needs to be set *before* a warm-start measurement is started. .. note:: This configuration is volatile, i.e. it will be reverted to the default value after a device reset. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :param float/int warm_start: Warm start parameter value (0..1 or 0..65535). :param bool raw: If ``False`` (the default), a normalized value in the range from 0.0 (cold start) to 1.0 (warm start) is expected. Otherwise a raw integer value is expected (0..65535). """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdSetWarmStartParameter(warm_start, raw))
[docs] def get_rht_acceleration_mode(self): """ Get the RH/T acceleration mode of the device. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :return: The current RH/T acceleration mode. See :py:meth:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.device.Sen5xI2cDevice.set_rht_acceleration_mode()` for the list of available modes. :rtype: int """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetRhtAccelerationMode())
[docs] def set_rht_acceleration_mode(self, mode): """ Set the RH/T acceleration mode of the device. By default, the RH/T acceleration algorithm is optimized for a sensor which is positioned in free air. If the sensor is integrated into another device, the ambient RH/T output values might not be optimal due to different thermal behavior. This parameter can be used to adapt the RH/T acceleration behavior for the actual use-case, leading in an improvement of the ambient RH/T output accuracy. There is a limited set of different modes available, each identified by a number: - ``0``: Default / Air Purifier / IAQ (slow) - ``1``: IAQ (fast) - ``2``: IAQ (medium) .. note:: This parameter can be changed in any state of the device (and the getter immediately returns the new value), but it is applied only the next time starting a measurement, i.e. when sending a "Start Measurement" command. So the parameter needs to be set *before* a new measurement is started. .. note:: This configuration is volatile, i.e. it will be reverted to the default value after a device reset. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :param int mode: The new RH/T acceleration mode. The default is 0. """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdSetRhtAccelerationMode(mode))
[docs] def get_voc_tuning_parameters(self): """ Get the currently set parameters for customizing the VOC algorithm. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :return: - index_offset (int) - VOC index representing typical (average) conditions. - learning_time_offset_hours (int) - Time constant to estimate the VOC algorithm offset from the history in hours. Past events will be forgotten after about twice the learning time. - learning_time_gain_hours (int) - Time constant to estimate the VOC algorithm gain from the history in hours. Past events will be forgotten after about twice the learning time. - gating_max_duration_minutes (int) - Maximum duration of gating in minutes (freeze of estimator during high VOC index signal). Zero disables the gating. - std_initial (int) - Initial estimate for standard deviation. Lower value boosts events during initial learning period, but may result in larger device-to-device variations. - gain_factor (int) - Gain factor to amplify or to attenuate the VOC index output. :rtype: tuple """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetVocAlgorithmTuningParameters())
[docs] def set_voc_tuning_parameters(self, index_offset, learning_time_offset_hours, learning_time_gain_hours, gating_max_duration_minutes, std_initial, gain_factor): """ Sets parameters to customize the VOC algorithm. .. note:: This command is available only in idle mode. In measure mode, this command has no effect. In addition, it has no effect if at least one parameter is outside the specified range. .. note:: This configuration is volatile, i.e. it will be reverted to the default value after a device reset. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :param int index_offset: VOC index representing typical (average) conditions. Allowed values are in range 1..250. The default value is 100. :param int learning_time_offset_hours: Time constant to estimate the VOC algorithm offset from the history in hours. Past events will be forgotten after about twice the learning time. Allowed values are in range 1..1000. The default value is 12 hours. :param int learning_time_gain_hours: Time constant to estimate the VOC algorithm gain from the history in hours. Past events will be forgotten after about twice the learning time. Allowed values are in range 1..1000. The default value is 12 hours. :param int gating_max_duration_minutes: Maximum duration of gating in minutes (freeze of estimator during high VOC index signal). Set to zero to disable the gating. Allowed values are in range 0..3000. The default value is 180 minutes. :param int std_initial: Initial estimate for standard deviation. Lower value boosts events during initial learning period, but may result in larger device-to-device variations. Allowed values are in range 10..5000. The default value is 50. :param int gain_factor: Gain factor to amplify or to attenuate the VOC index output. Allowed values are in range 1..1000. The default value is 230. """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdSetVocAlgorithmTuningParameters( index_offset, learning_time_offset_hours, learning_time_gain_hours, gating_max_duration_minutes, std_initial, gain_factor))
[docs] def get_nox_tuning_parameters(self): """ Get the currently set parameters for customizing the NOx algorithm. .. attention:: SEN50 and SEN54 do not support this feature. :return: - index_offset (int) - NOx index representing typical (average) conditions. - learning_time_offset_hours (int) - Time constant to estimate the NOx algorithm offset from the history in hours. Past events will be forgotten after about twice the learning time. - learning_time_gain_hours (int) - The time constant to estimate the NOx algorithm gain from the history has no impact for NOx. This parameter is still in place for consistency reasons with the VOC tuning parameters command. - gating_max_duration_minutes (int) - Maximum duration of gating in minutes (freeze of estimator during high NOx index signal). Zero disables the gating. - std_initial (int) - The initial estimate for standard deviation has no impact for NOx. This parameter is still in place for consistency reasons with the VOC tuning parameters command. - gain_factor (int) - Gain factor to amplify or to attenuate the NOx index output. :rtype: tuple """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetNoxAlgorithmTuningParameters())
[docs] def set_nox_tuning_parameters(self, index_offset, learning_time_offset_hours, learning_time_gain_hours, gating_max_duration_minutes, std_initial, gain_factor): """ Sets parameters to customize the NOx algorithm. .. note:: This command is available only in idle mode. In measure mode, this command has no effect. In addition, it has no effect if at least one parameter is outside the specified range. .. note:: This configuration is volatile, i.e. it will be reverted to the default value after a device reset. .. attention:: SEN50 and SEN54 do not support this feature. :param int index_offset: NOx index representing typical (average) conditions. Allowed values are in range 1..250. The default value is 1. :param int learning_time_offset_hours: Time constant to estimate the NOx algorithm offset from the history in hours. Past events will be forgotten after about twice the learning time. Allowed values are in range 1..1000. The default value is 12 hours. :param int learning_time_gain_hours: The time constant to estimate the NOx algorithm gain from the history has no impact for NOx. This parameter is still in place for consistency reasons with the VOC tuning parameters command. This parameter must always be set to 12 hours. :param int gating_max_duration_minutes: Maximum duration of gating in minutes (freeze of estimator during high NOx index signal). Set to zero to disable the gating. Allowed values are in range 0..3000. The default value is 720 minutes. :param int std_initial: The initial estimate for standard deviation parameter has no impact for NOx. This parameter is still in place for consistency reasons with the VOC tuning parameters command. This parameter must always be set to 50. :param int gain_factor: Gain factor to amplify or to attenuate the NOx index output. Allowed values are in range 1..1000. The default value is 230. """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdSetNoxAlgorithmTuningParameters( index_offset, learning_time_offset_hours, learning_time_gain_hours, gating_max_duration_minutes, std_initial, gain_factor))
[docs] def get_voc_state(self): """ Get the current VOC algorithm state. The returned data can be used to restore the state with the method :py:meth:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.device.Sen5xI2cDevice.set_voc_state()` to resume operation after a short power cycle or device reset, skipping the initial learning phase of the VOC algorithm. .. note:: This command can be used either in measure mode or in idle mode (which will then return the state at the time when the measurement was stopped). In measure mode, the state can be read each measure interval to always have the latest state available, even in case of a sudden power loss. .. note:: This feature should only be used after at least 3 hours of continuous operation. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :return: Current VOC algorithm state. :rtype: bytes """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetVocAlgorithmState())
[docs] def set_voc_state(self, state): """ Set/restore the VOC algorithm state. By default, the VOC algorithm resets its state to inital values each time a measurement is started, even if the measurement was stopped only for a short time. So the VOC index output value needs a long time until it is stable again. This can be avoided by restoring the algorithm state previously retrieved by :py:meth:`~circuitpython_sensirion_i2c_sen5x.device.Sen5xI2cDevice.get_voc_state()` before starting the measure mode. .. note:: This command is only available in idle mode and the state will be applied only once when starting the next measurement. Any further measurements (i.e. when stopping and restarting the measure mode) will reset the state to initial values. In measure mode, this command has no effect. .. note:: This feature should not be used after interruptions of more than 10 minutes. .. attention:: SEN50 does not support this feature. :param bytes state: VOC algorithm state to restore. """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdSetVocAlgorithmState(state))
[docs] def start_fan_cleaning(self): """ Start fan cleaning. Starts the fan cleaning manually by applying the maximum fan speed for a few seconds. The "data ready"-flag will be cleared immediately and during the next few seconds, no new measurement results will be available (old values will be returned). Once the cleaning is finished, the "data ready"-flag will be set and new measurement results will be available. If you stop the measurement while fan cleaning is active, the cleaning will be aborted immediately. .. note:: This command is only available in measure mode with PM measurement enabled, i.e. only if the fan is already running. In any other state, this command does nothing. In addition, when executing this command while cleaning is already active, the command does nothing. """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdStartFanCleaning())
[docs] def get_fan_auto_cleaning_interval(self): """ Get the fan auto cleaning interval of the device. The device will automatically start the fan cleaning when the fan was running for this number of seconds. :return: Fan auto cleaning interval [s]. Zero means auto cleaning is disabled. :rtype: int """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdGetFanAutoCleaningInterval())
[docs] def set_fan_auto_cleaning_interval(self, interval_s): """ Set the fan auto cleaning interval of the device. The device will automatically start the fan cleaning when the fan was running for this number of seconds. .. note:: This configuration is volatile, i.e. it will be reverted to the default value after a device reset. :param int interval_s: Fan auto cleaning interval [s]. Set to zero to disable auto cleaning. The default value is 604800 (1 week). """ return self.execute(Sen5xI2cCmdSetFanAutoCleaningInterval(interval_s))